Saturday, 28 May 2011


I had my last exam today and I have no idea what to do now. My head is empty, I'm tired, restless and slightly frustrated. Feeling like this makes me realise how much my life has revolved around studying this month. I think I have spent almost every day reading books, articles and lecture notes, and now that I'm finally done, I begin to wish I had at least a few more exams left so I would have something to do. Sounds kinda sad? Maybe, but I like it this way :)
Being done with my exams also means that my time here in Scotland is over, and I'm moving back to Norway in a few days. I have to clean the apartment, pack all my stuff and fix various other things before I leave. I'm definitely going to miss this place, I wish I could have spent at least a few more years here in Stirling, but unfortunately it's not possible now. Maybe I'll return after finishing my Bachelor's degree ^^

Here's yet another boring flower fractal, this time I used KPK SKCD Barnsky (kpk.ufm) formula and Thingamajis II (tma.ucl) colouring algorithm.

Friday, 27 May 2011


My exam in Modern European History 1848-1918 is tomorrow. At 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning! I honestly have no idea how it'll go, one part of me feels pretty confident because I've been reading a lot, and another part of me is absolutely terrified because I don't know if I'll remember anything tomorrow. I've spent most of the day listening to lecture recordings and going through my notes, and even though my brain still feels empty and useless, I figured it was time to stop when the clock came close to 9 pm. In an attempt to relax and take my mind off the exam, I opened Ultra Fractal and decided to make another flower fractal (surprise!). 

This is a KPK CTT (kpk.ufm) fractal coloured with Thingamajigs II (tma.ucl). I'm really happy with it to be honest ^^

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Here's a little something I made last night.. Figured I would post it now before I bury myself in 19th century Germany, the Russian Revolutions and the Habsburg Empire. I've been surprisingly efficient today, it's only 12:50 and I've already had breakfast, read half a chapter about Bismarck and Germany and walked to the university in pretty crappy weather carrying 8 very heavy books. Usually I'm barely concious at this time of the day, but recently I've been getting up earlier and earlier. Maybe it's something in the water that's messing with my internal alarm clock. Or maybe the excessive amounts of coffee I have consumed recently have something to do with.

Anyway, this is a KPK Barnsky Pro (kpk.ufm) fractal coloured with Thingamajigs II (tma.ucl). Enjoy! :)

Monday, 23 May 2011

Lost For Words

Here's a fractal I made last night, using KPK Barninsky (kpk.ufm) formula and Thingamajigs II (tma.ucl) for colouring. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Just For Now

I have an exam in 'Modern European History - 1884-1917' next Saturday and I've spent the entire day reading about the industrial revolution and economic changes in Europe from 1850 to 1917. As I started to become increasingly tired and distracted,I figured it was time to put my books away and do something fun. I opened Ultra Fractal with the intentions of making something flowery and after about 30-40 minutes of meddling, I ended up with this lovely little fractal. I used KPK Treebarney (kpk.ufm) formula and coloured it with Thingamajigs II (tma.ucl). Enjoy! :)

Monday, 16 May 2011

Burst Of Pink

Total Recall J (jrf.ufm) formula coloured with Thin Orbit Traps II (tma.ucl), Ikenaga Orbit Trap Enhanced, Hopalong Orbit Trap Enhanced and Henon Orbit Trap Enhanced from reb.ucl. I also used Lake mapping on one of the layers. Enjoy!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Raspberry Secrets

It has been a while since my last post, but at least it's not entirely because of laziness. I've been busy trying to force myself to study for my exams, which is really hard work because I'm easily distracted. I've managed to do a bit of reading and I'm reasonably sure I won't fail the exam I have next Friday, which is why I ended up making this fractal. I figured I needed a reward after getting up at 8 am on a Saturday to go to the library and read about social problems. Pretty impressive, huh? I guess it would be more impressive if I actually remembered any of the stuff I read, but I'm quite proud of myself anyway.

This is a KPK Treebarney (kpk.ufm) fractal coloured with various algorithms from reb.ucl.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

With Rue And Fire

I've been listening to Primordial a lot lately, and today I felt inspired to open Ultra Fractal and make something orange and kind of fiery. The exam period is beginning soon, so of course I'm starting to feel artsy and creative. I have even dug up my pencils and paper and started drawing again, for the first time in 3 years. It's a good thing that I only have two exams and that the first one is still two weeks away, because I haven't even started thinking about reading yet. Oh well, I'm happy as long as I don't fail anything. 

This is a Cubic Roots-Julia (reb.ufm) coloured with Fibers And Things (reb.ucl) and Cellular Automata 3 (mjw.ucl). Enjoy!
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