I had my last exam today and I have no idea what to do now. My head is empty, I'm tired, restless and slightly frustrated. Feeling like this makes me realise how much my life has revolved around studying this month. I think I have spent almost every day reading books, articles and lecture notes, and now that I'm finally done, I begin to wish I had at least a few more exams left so I would have something to do. Sounds kinda sad? Maybe, but I like it this way :)
Being done with my exams also means that my time here in Scotland is over, and I'm moving back to Norway in a few days. I have to clean the apartment, pack all my stuff and fix various other things before I leave. I'm definitely going to miss this place, I wish I could have spent at least a few more years here in Stirling, but unfortunately it's not possible now. Maybe I'll return after finishing my Bachelor's degree ^^
Here's yet another boring flower fractal, this time I used KPK SKCD Barnsky (kpk.ufm) formula and Thingamajis II (tma.ucl) colouring algorithm.